Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl – Ružavi “Melisos žiedai”

I don’t even remember how it is that I got my hands on this light, pink boucle yarn, but I’m delighted to have found it in my yarn basket.

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

The scarf has turned out to be, as can be expected from a boucle yarn, a little fluffy, but I quite like the effect. Why not?

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

The shawl was created according to the design byTiina Arusoo.

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

Yarn – no name. Knitted on needles – 4mm.

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

Jau nepamenu iš kur pas mane atsirado šitie ružavi su lengvu bukle efektu siūlai.

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

Kaip ir priklauso mezginiui iš bulke siūlų – skara išėjo tokia “kiek pasišiaušusi”, bet man visai patinka. Kodėl gi ne?

Pink Tiina Lilleaed Shawl - Ružavi "Melisos žiedai"

Skara numegztas pagal Tiinos Arusoo raštą -“Tiina Lilleaed”.

Siūlai – nežinomi. Virbalai – 4mm.

Verenica Shawl – Šalis “Verenica”

Verenica Shawl – another wonderful scarf by the pattern of Svetlana Zacharova.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

I really like this shawl’s composition, with its soft collar pattern and larger main pattern.

I’m especially happy with the end result- this shawl will be a gift for my daughter.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

I encourage you, too, to try out the pattern.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

For the shawl I used Friends Kid Silk Hobbii yarn: 25g=200m; 72% – mohair, 25% – silk, 3% -wool.

Knitted on needles – 3,75mm.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

“Verenica” – dar viena nuostabi skara, numegzta pagal Svetlanos Zacharovos sukurtą raštą.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

Man labai patinka šio šalio kompozicija, kurią sudaro švelnus apykaklės motyvas ir stambesnis pagrindinis raštas.

Tikrai džiaugiuosi galutiniu rezultatu. Ši skara liks dovanų mano dukrytei.

Verenica Shawl - Šalis "Verenica"

Siūlai -Friends Kid Silk (Hobbii), 25g/200m; 25% – šilkas, 72% -mocheris , 3% – vilna.

Megzta 3,75mm virbalais.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl – Šalis “Aušros deivė”

Here are some new photos. The shawl goes by the name of Goddess of the Morning Dawn and was created according to the design by Oksana Kushchovenko.

Goddess of the Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

These photographs were purposefully taken on a black mannequin so that the pattern may be clearly discernible to the eye.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

Usually I’m not much of a fan of grey, but paired with a white garment and pearl jewelry this shawl will look luxurious and divine.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

For the shawl I used Knit Picks Aloft yarn: 25g=238m; 72% super kid mohair, 28% – silk. Knitted on needles – 3,75mm.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

Naujos nuotraukos. Šį kartą šalis skambiu pavadinimu “Aušros deivė”. Mezgiau pagal Oksanos Kuščovenko raštą.

Fotografuota ant juodo manekeno specialiai, kad matytųsi raštas.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

Nesu pilkos spalvos fanė, bet  ant baltos spalvos rūbo su perlų papuošalais ši skara atrodo tiesiog nežemiškai ir prabangiai.

Goddess of the Morning Dawn Shawl - Šalis "Aušros deivė"

Knit Picks firmos Aloft siūlai: (25g=238m; 72% super kid mocheris, 28% – šilkas ). Megzta 3,75mm virbalais.